Objekter hvor år er 2008.Abbott, Mark Wesley 2008 BREAD, SWEAT, AND TEARS Stigningen av kapitalistiske akkumuleringsstrategier i Den Russiske Republikk Karelia, 2001-2002 Doktorgradsprosess, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Abou Gazala, Neven M 2008 Energistyringsteknikker for å bevare energi i flere systemkomponenter Doktorgradsavhandling, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Abu-Dahab, Sana MN 2008 Sensorimotor og Executive Fungerende Forskjeller mellom høyfunksjonspersoner med autisme og typisk utviklende personer Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Adam, Ahmad Y 2008 Dipeptid Structure and Dynamics Master s avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Adelizzi, Tara Estelle 2008 En scenisk produksjon av Eugene Ionesco s FORSØKENE Undervisningsoppgave, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Adeniji, Abidemi Kassim 2008 ANALYSE AV FAKTORER SOM FØLGER KORTVARIGT ØKNING i BMI AMONG BARN SENESTE DIAGNOSERT MED DIABE TES Master s avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Ahmad, Ferhaan og Banerjee, Sanjay K og Lage, Michele L og Huang, Xueyin N og Smith, Stephen H og Saba, Samir og Rager, Jennifer og Conner, David A og Janczewski, Andrzej M og Tobita, Kimimasa og Tinney, Joseph P og Moskowitz, Ivan P og Perez-Atayde, Antonio R og Keller, Bradley B og Mathier, Michael A og Shroff, Sanjeev G og Seidman, Christine E og Seidman, JG 2008 Kardial Troponin T Kvantitet og funksjon i hjerteutvikling og dilatert kardiomyopati PLoS ONE, 3 7 e2642 ISSN 1932-6203.Albert, Brian J 2008 Syntetisk, kjemisk og biologisk studium av FR901464 OG STUDIER AV SILVER OG ZIRKONIUM BEVIDET ALKYNYL ADDISION REACTION Doktorsavhandling , University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Allegretti, Ana Luiza Caltabiano 2008 Faktorer assosiert med kliniske avgjørelser og trykksårutvikling i langvarig pleie innbyggere doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Allen , Gregory 2008 THE WORD MADE CINEMATIC REPRESENTASJONEN AV JESUS IN CINEMA Doktorsavhandling, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Alorifi, Fawzi Suliman 2008 Automatisk identifisering av arabiske dialekter Bruke skjult Markov-modeller Doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Alston, Shani M 2008 BRIDGING THE GAP MELLOM HOSPITALISERING AV HOSELØSE, SELV-CARE AND HOUSING ET FORSLAG Mastergras, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Alvarez-Valtierra, Leonardo 2008 MOLECULAR EXCITED STATE DYNAMICS VIA HIGH RESOLUTION ELECTRONIC SPECTROSCOPOPY IN GAS PHASE Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Amato, Eileen Ann 2008 Utfordringene av en forandring i praksis Historien om en erfaren rektor s reise gjennom forandringsprosessen på en sliter urban grunnskole Doktorgrad, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Amin, Waqas og Parwani, Anil V og Schmandt, Linda og Mohanty, Sambit K og Farhat, Ghada og Pople, Andrew K an D Winters, Sharon B og Whelan, Nancy B og Schneider, Althea M og Milnes, John T og Valdivieso, Federico A og Feldman, Michael og Pass, Harvey I og Dhir, Rajiv og Melamed, Jonathan og Becich, Michael J 2008 Nasjonalt mesotheliom Virtual Bank En standardbasert biospecimen og klinisk data ressurs for å forbedre translationell forskning BMC Cancer, 8 1 s. 236 ISSN 1471-2407.An, Cheng Bang og Chen, Fa Hu og Barton, Loukas 2008 Holocene miljøforandringer i Mongolia en gjennomgang Global og planetarisk Change, 63 4 pp. 283-289. An, Honglin og Fleming, Simon og McMillen, Benjamin W og Chen, Kevin P og Snoke, David 2008 Termisk polering indusert andre ordens ikke-linearitet i femtosekund-laser modifisert smeltet silisium Anvendt fysikk Letters, 93 6 061115 ISSN 00036951.An, Jee Young 2008 DE FYSIOLOGISKE ROLLEDENE AV E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASER AV N-ENDRE RULLEPADEN Doktorgradsprosess, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. An, Jihyun 2008 Design, Syntese og Karakterisering av Porøse Materialer Mad e fra Nucleobases and Metals Master s avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Andrews, George Reid 2008 Diaspora Crossings Afro-Latin-Amerika i Afro-Atlanterhavet Latin American Research Review, 43 3 s. 209-224 ISSN 0023-8791. Andre, George Reid 2008 Arbeidere, soldater, aktivister Svart mobilisering i Brasil og spansk Amerika, 1800-2000 Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Amrica Latina y el Caribe, 19 1 s. 11-34 ISSN 0792-7061.Antoniazzi, Armando B og Morton, Clive S og Chen, Kevin P og Liu, Baojun 2008 høytrykks - og høytemperatur-tritiumapparat for trittning av materialer Fusjonsvitenskap og teknologi, 54 2 pp 635-638 ISSN 15361055.Anusas-amornkul, Tanapat 2008 på deteksjonsmekanismer og deres ytelse for pakkefallsangrep i Ad Hoc Networks Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Aoun, Elie og Chang, Chung-Chou H og Greer, Julia B og Papachristou, Georgios I og Barmada, M Michael og Whitcomb, David C 2008 Baner til skade i C kronisk pankreatitt Dekoding rollen av høyrisikoen SPINK1 N34S Haplotype ved hjelp av meta-analyse PLoS ONE, 3 4 e2003 ISSN 1932-6203.Apedoe, Xornam S og Reynolds, Birdy og Ellefson, Michelle R og Schunn, Christian D 2008 Bringing Engineering Design inn i High School Science Classrooms Varmekjøleenheten Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17 5 pp 454-465 ISSN 1059-0145.Arevian, Armen C 2008 AKTIVITET-AFHOLDENDE LATERAL INHIBITION IN THE MUSE OLFACTORY BULB Doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Asciutto, Eliana K og Mikhonin, Aleksandr V og Asher, Sanford A og Madura, Jeffry D 2008 Computational and Experimental Determination of the Alpha-Helix Unfolding Reaction Coordinate Biochemistry, 47 7 s. 2046-2050 ISSN 0006-2960.Asher, Karin 2008 Educating College studenter gjennom rettslig respons Undersøk effektiviteten av rettslige sanksjoner for alkohol-relaterte overtredelser Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Asher, Sanford A en d Kimble, Kyle W og Walker, Jeremy P 2008 Aktivering Termoreversible Fysisk Kryssbundet Polymerisert Kolloidal Array Photonic Crystals Materialkemi En publikasjon av American Chemical Society, 20 24 pp 7501-7509 ISSN 0897-4756.Aziz, Jeffrey 2008 OF GRACE OG GRUPPE ORGANER FALSTAFF, OLDCASTLE OG REFORMEN FOR REFORMEN Doktorsavhandling, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Azpuru, Dinorah og Finkel, Steven E og Prez-Lin, Anbal 2008 Hva har USA gjort Journal of Democracy, 19 2 pp 150 -159 ISSN 1045-5736.Azzam, Julie Hakim 2008 Den fremmede innen postkolonial gotisk og politikken for hjemme doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. BHARDWAJ, RAVI 2008 IMPACT OF TEMPERATURE AND FLUE GAS COMPONENTS ON MERCURY SPECIATION AND UPTAKE BY ACTIVATED CARBON SORBENTS Master s-avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Baca, Justin T og Finegold, David N og Asher, Sanford En 2008 fremgang i utviklingen av polymerisert krystallinsk kolloidal array Sensorer for punktvis avkjenning av myokardisk iskemi Analysen, 133 3 s. 385-390 ISSN 0003-2654.Bachman, Timothy Nicholas 2008 Utvikling og evaluering av Quintessential Ventricular Cannula Master s avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bagci, Elife Z og Vodovotz, Yoram og Billiar, Timothy R og Ermentrout, Bard og Bahar, Ivet 2008 Computational Insights på konkurrerende effekter av nitrogenoksid i regulerende apoptose PLoS ONE, 3 5 e2249 ISSN 1932-6203.Baglyas, Krisztina 2008 Avgrense rollen av Siv Vpr og Vpx på Dendritic Cells, NK Cells, og Immunitet Master s Avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bakan, Ahmet og Lazo, John S og Wipf, Peter og Brummond, Kay M og Bahar, Ivet 2008 Mot en molekylær forståelse av Interaksjon av Dual Specificity Phosphatases Med Substrates Innsikt Fra Structure-Based Modeling og High Throughput Screening Nåværende medisinsk kjemi, 15 25 pp 2536-2544 ISSN 0929-8673.Baker, David og Hayhoe, Ruth og Heyn Eman, Stephen og Lewin, Keith og Shafiq, M Najeeb og Stambach, Amy og Stromquist, Nelly og Vavrus, Fran 2008 Svar på Steven Klees presidentadresse Nyhetsbrev til Comparative and International Education Society. Balaachandran, Raghavan og Hopkins, Tamara D og Thomas , Catherine A og Wipf, Peter og Day, Billy W 2008 Tubulin-Perturbing-naftokinon Spiroketals Kjemisk biologisk medisin design, 71 2 s. 117-124 ISSN 1747-0285.Balcita-Pedicino, Judith Joyce 2008 Lateral hypothalamiske projeksjoner til Rat Ventral Tegmental Area Potensielle anatomiske substrat for adaptiv integrasjon av adferd mediert av stigende dopamin systemer Master s avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Balderston, Daniel 2008 Baladas de la loca alegra literatura queer en Colombia Revista Iberoamericana, 74 225 pp 1059-1073 ISSN 0034-9631.Balderston , Daniel 2008 Borges, Las Sucesivas Rupturas I Memoriam JLB Colegio de Mxico, Mexico City, s. 19-35 ISBN 978-968-12- 1361-9.Balderston, Daniel 2008 Los problemas de traducir un clsico vernacular El caso del martin fierro in literatura, poltica y sociedad construcciones de sentido en la Hispanoamrica contempornea Homenaje Andrs Avellaneda Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Pittsburgh, s. 67-76 ISBN UNSPECIFIED. Balderston, Daniel 2008 Polticas de la vanguardia Borges en la dcada del veinte I Jorge Luis Borges Polticas de la Literatura Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Pittsburgh, s. 31-42 ISBN 1-930744-34-X. Balderston, Daniel og Quiroga, Jos 2008 La re-escritura de un clsico en clave pornogrfica El caso de Massimissa Estudios, 16 31 s. 111-127.Balwe, Chetan T 2008 Geometrisk motiverende integrasjon på Artin n-stabler Doktorgradsprosess, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bank, Alex 2008 Rollen av SMAC i NSAID - induced Apoptosis Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Baquero, Esteban E og James, William H og Choi, Tae Hoon og Jordan, Kenneth D og Zwier, Timothy S 2008 Single Conformation Spectroscopy av en fleksibel Bichromophore 3- 4-Hydroxyphenyl - N-benzylpropionamid Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 112 44 pp 11115-11123 ISSN 1520-5215.Baratt, Arie og Arkhipov, Sergey N og Maly, Ivan V 2008 En eksperimentell og beregningsstudie av effekter av mikrotubulastabilisering på T-cellepolaritet PloS one, 3 12 e3861 ISSN 1932-6203.Barber, Anita Dyan 2008 Oppgaveforberedelse og byttekostnad Karakteriserende oppgave Forberedelse gjennom Stimulus Set Overlapping, Overgangsfrekvens og Oppgavestyrke Doktorgradsavhandling, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Barillas, Mary K 2008 KATALYTISKE MIKROKANALE REAKTORER FOR RENE, INTRINSIKT SIKKER PROSESSER Master s Avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Barton, Loukas og Morgan, Christopher T og Bettinger, Robert L og Zhang, Dongju 2008 The arkeologi av arkaiske og tidlige mennesker i nordvest Kina en rapport om 2007 Paleolithic Survey Project i østlige Longxi Basin, Gansu Rapport utarbeidet for Leakey Foundation Unpublished. Bartos, Christa E og Butler, Brian S og Penrod, Louis E og Fridsma, Douglas B og Crowley, Rebecca S 2008 Negative CPOE holdninger korrelerer med redusert makt på arbeidsplassen AMIA Annual Symposium proceedings AMIA Symposium AMIA Symposium pp 36-40 ISSN 1942-597X. Bartos, Christa E og Fridsma, Douglas B og Butler, Brian S og Penrod, Louis E og Becich, Michael J og Crowley, Rebecca S 2008 Utvikling av et instrument for å måle klinikernes maktoppfattelser på arbeidsplassen Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 41 6 s. 1041-1049 ISSN 1532-0480.Bartos, Christa Elizabeth 2008 PERCEPTIONS OF PERSONAL POWER AND RELATIONSHIP TO CLINICIAN'S RESISTANCE TO THE INTRODUCTION OF COMPUTERIZED PHYSICIAN ORDER ENTRY Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Basu, Manisha 2008 Fedre til et fortsatt-født fortid hinduistisk imperium, globalitet og retorikken til Trikaal doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bateman, Pa trick J 2008 Online fellesskap Referanser og engasjement Hvordan to aspekter av fellesskapets livsvirkningsledelse Deltakelse doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Baz, Mustafa 2008 OPTIMASJON AV MAPPING PÅ EN FLEKSIBEL LOW POWERELECTRONIC FABRIC ARCHITECTURE Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bechara, Bernard Philimon 2008 Ocular counter rotasjon under glansskift Master s avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bair, Hany S og Karthikeyan, Tharun og Quintero, Andres J og Li, Yong og Huard, Johnny 2008 Angiotensin II reseptor blokkering administrert etter skade forbedrer muskelregenerasjon og reduserer fibrose i normal skjelettmuskulatur The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 36 8 s. 1548-54 ISSN 0363-5465.Begby, Endre 2008 på strukturen av kommunikativ forståelse doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Benjaminse, Anne 2008 Pålitelighet og presisjon av Hip Proprioception Metoder i friske personer Mas Ter s Thesis, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bernard, Carl Joseph 2008 Analyse av pasienthøstdatamasters avhandling, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bentley, Shelly Ann 2008 Hvordan lærere tar opplæringsbeslutninger ved gjennomføring av et nytt kjerneavlesingsprogram Doktorgrad, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bevly III, Alex James 2008 BESTEMMELSE HOVEDSTILLING TIL Å ASSIST ELEKTRISK POWERED WHEELCHAIR OPERATION FOR PERSONER MED TRAUMATISK BRAIN SKADE Mastergradsoppgave, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bhattacharjee, Samsiddhi 2008 Varians Komponentpoeng Statistikk for QTL Kartlegging Doktorgrad, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bichsel, Jillian Anthony 2008 Profesjonell Utvikling Behov og Opplevelser av Sekundære Prinsipper i Southwestern Pennsylvania Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Biener, Zvi 2008 Vitenskapens enhet i tidligmoderne filosofi Subalternation, metafysikk og geometrisk måte i skolastikk, gal ileo og Descartes doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bittner, Alycia Nacole 2008 Molekylær genetisk analyse av flere rpoH og groEL gener i Sinorhizobium meliloti Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Black, Nathaniel Benjamen 2008 Aktiv forbrenning Throttle Master s avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Blakesley, Richard E 2008 Parametrisk kontroll av familiefeilpriser med avhengige P-verdier Doktorgradsprosess, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bowler, Leanne 2008 Hvor kan tenåringer finne helseinformasjon En undersøkelse av webportaler designet for ungdoms helseinformasjonssøkere i medisin 2 0 Kongress, 4-5 september 2008, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Boyle, Thomas 2008 Intersection av skattefritak og svindel - og misbruksproblemer Pittsburgh Journal of Environmental and Public Health Law, 2 s. 1-5 ISSN 2164-7976. Bradley, Paul Abram 2008 En analyse av Minimum Entropy Time-Frequency Distribution Master s avhandling, University of Pitt sburgh unpublished. Bradley, Sarah Elizabeth 2008 Økonomisk motgang og emosjonell helse av familie omsorgspersoner s sertifisering, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Braga-Alves, Marcus V 2008 Tre essays på Corporate Finance Bevis fra Brasil Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Brandon , Pepijn 2008 Anne Goldgar, Tulipmania Penger, ære og kunnskap i den nederlandske gullalderen Chicago, Illinois London, University of Chicago Press, 2007 Science Society, 72 4 pp 500-502 ISSN 0036-8237.Brandon, Pepijn 2008 E Swart, Krijgsvolk Militærprofessorering og opprinnelsen til den statlige hæren Amsterdam, Amsterdam Universitetspress, 2006 De syttende århundre, 24 2 s. 252-254 ISSN 0021-142X. Brandon, Pepijn 2008 G Vermeesch, Oorlog, byer og statsdannelse De grensesteder Gorinchem en Doesburg tijdens de geboorte-eeuw van de Republiek 1570-1680 Amsterdam, Amsterdam Universitetspress, 2006 De Zeventiende Eeuw, 24 2 pp 254-256 ISSN 0021-142X. Brennan, Carol L 2008 Developm En del av prediksjonsmodeller til å anslå 1-RM for øvre og nedre kroppsøvelser i ikke-motstandsutdannede kvinner Doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Bright, Rick A og Carter, Donald M og Crevar, Corey J og Toapanta, Franklin R og Steckbeck , Jonathan D og Cole, Kelly S og Kumar, Niranjan M og Pushko, Peter og Smith, Gale og Tumpey, Terrence M og Ross, Ted M 2008 Cross-Clade Beskyttende Immunrespons til Influensavirus med H5N1 HA og NA Elicited av en influensa Viruslignende partikkelplos 1, 3 1 e1501 ISSN 1932-6203.Brose, Steven W og Boninger, Michael L og Fullerton, Bradley og McCann, Thane og Collinger, Jennifer L og Impink, Bradley G og Dyson-Hudson, Trevor A 2008 Skulder ultralyd abnormiteter, fysisk undersøkelse funn og smerte i manuelle rullestolbrukere med ryggmargen skade Arkiv av fysisk medisin og rehabilitering, 89 11 pp 2086-2093 ISSN 1532-821X. Brown, Clayton D 2008 Å gjøre majoriteten definere Han Identity på kinesisk Etnologi og arkeologi Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Broyles, Lauren Matukaitis 2008 Alkoholbruk, HIV-infeksjon og antiretroviral tilhørighet Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Brusilovsky, Peter 2008 Adaptiv navigasjonsstøtte for åpne Corpus Hypermedia Systems i Adaptive Hypermedia og Adaptive Nettbaserte systemer Forelesningsnotater i datalogi, 5149 Springer, pp 6-8 ISBN UNSPECIFIED. Brusilovsky, Peter og Hsiao, I-Han og Yudelson, Michael V 2008 Annoterte programeksempler som førsteklasses objekter i et pedagogisk digitalt bibliotek I 8. ACM IEEE-CS-felleskonferanse om digitale biblioteker, JCDL 08, 16-20 juni, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA. Bucci, Brian Arthur 2008 Utvikling av kunstige nevrale nettbaserte klassifiserende klassifiseringer for å identifisere militær impulsstøy Master s-avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Buchinsky, Farrel J og Donfack, Joseph og Derkay, Craig S og Choi, Sukgi S og Conley, Stephen F og Myer, Charles M og McC John E og Campisi, Paolo og Wiatrak, Brian J og Sobol, Steven E og Schweinfurth, John M og Tsuji, Domingos H og Hu, Fen Z og Rockette, Howard E og Ehrlich, Garth D og Post, J Christopher 2008 Alder av barn, mer enn HPV-type, er assosiert med klinisk kurs i gjentakende respiratorisk papillomatose PLoS ONE, 3 5 e2263 ISSN 1932-6203.Buckshire, Melissa 2008 En oversikt over karbonfiberelektroder brukt i Neurokemisk Overvåkning Master s Avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Burgess, Kristie Henchir 2008 Utvikling av mikrofabrikerte biohybrid kunstige lungemoduler doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Buric, Michael P og Chen, Kevin P og Falk, Joel og Woodruff, Steven D 2008 Forbedret spontan Raman-spredning og gassammensetningsanalyse ved hjelp av en fotonisk krystallfibre Anvendt optikk, 47 23 pp 4255-4261 ISSN 1539-4522.Burke, LE og Warziski, M og Styn, MA og Music, E og Hudson, AG og Sereika, SM 2008 En randomisert klinisk studie av en standard mot vegetarisk diett for vekttap virkningen av behandlingspreferanse International Journal of Obesity 2005, 32 1 pp 166-76 ISSN 1476-5497.Burke, Linda 2008 Merknader om skatteproblemer Pittsburgh Journal of Environmental and Public Health Law, 2 pp 1-5 ISSN 2164-7976.Burke, Lora E og Sereika, Susan M og Musikk, Edvin og Warziski, Melanie og Styn, Mindi A og Stone, Arthur 2008 Bruke instrumenterte papirblade til å dokumentere selvovervåkingsmønstre i vekttap Moderne klinisk studier, 29 2 pp 182-93 ISSN 1551-7144.Burke, Lora E og Steenkiste, Ann og Musikk, Edvin og Styn, Mindi A 2008 En beskrivende studie av tidligere erfaringer med vekttapbehandling Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 108 4 pp 640-7 ISSN 0002-8223.Bykov, Sergei V og Myshakina, Nataliya S og Asher, Sanford A 2008 Avhengighet av glycin CH2 strekkfrekvenser på konformasjon, ioniseringstilstand og hydrogenbinding. Journal of physical chemistry B, 112 18 pp. 5803-12 ISSN 1520-610 6.Callaghan, Fiona 2008 Klassifisering Trær for overlevelsesdata med konkurrerende farer Doktorgradsprosess, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Caltagarone, John Michael 2008 Differensial lokalisering av Hic-5 og Paxillin i hjernen av Alzheimers sykdomsfag Doktorgrad, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Calvano Kchler, Erika og De Andrade Risso, Patrcia og De Castro Costa, Marcelo og Modesto, Adriana og Vieira, Alexandre Rezende 2008 Vurdering av den foreslåtte tilknytningen mellom tanngenerese og taurodontisme i 975 pediatriske fag. Internasjonal tidsskrift for pediatrisk tannbehandling, British Paedodontic Society and Den internasjonale sammenslutningen av tannlegen for barn, 18 3 s. 231-4 ISSN 1365-263X. Camacho, Carlos J og Katsumata, Yasuhiro og Ascherman, Dana P 2008 Strukturell og termodynamisk tilnærming til peptidimmunogenitet PLoS beregningsbiologi, 4 11 e1000231 ISSN 1553- 7358.Camacho, Carlos J 2008 Kvantitativ modellering av strømmer fra en spenningshull ed Ion Channel Undergoing Fast Inaktivering PLoS ONE, 3 10 e3342 ISSN 1932-6203.Campbell, Christopher Alan 2008 Form uten formalisme Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Cariou, Alain og Pinsky, Michael R og Monchi, Mehran og Laurent, Ivan og Vinsonneau, Christophe og Chiche, Jean-Daniel og Charpentier, Julien og Dhainaut, Jean-Franois 2008 Er myokardiell adrenerg responsivhet deprimert i human septisk sjokk Intensive Care Medicine, 34 5 pp. 917-922 ISSN 0342-4642.Carlson, Paul Edward 2008 Anerkjennelse av miljøbetingelser påvirker Francisella-makrofagens interaksjoner Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Carpenter, Brian David 2008 VETENSKAPLIG KONCEPTUTVIKLING I DET ENGELSK LANGUAGE ARTS CLASSROOM Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Carpico, Bronwynne Bailey 2008 Støyreduksjon i sykehusinnstilling ved bruk av Utdanning basert på en kulturell endringsmodell master s avhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpubl ished. Carr, LK og Steele, D og Steele, S og Wagner, David og Pruchnic, R og Jankowski, Ronald Jay og Erickson, J and Huard, Johnny og kansler, MB 2008 1 års oppfølging av autolog muskelavledet Stamcelleinjeksjons pilotstudie for å behandle stress urininkontinens International Urogynecology Journal, 19 6 s. 881-3 ISSN 1433-3023.Carter, Adam Joseph 2008 KVANTITATIVE THERMAL INFRARED ANALYZES OF VOLCANIC PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS ANSØKNING TIL BEZYMIANNY VOLCANO, RUSSIA Doktorgrad, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Castro, Jason Brian 2008 Dendritisk neurotransmitter frigjøring og dens modulasjon i tilbehør olfaktoriske pære kretser Doktorgrad, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Cekada, James Francis 2008 En profil for studenter som viser eksepsjonell talent i datateknologi Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Cerully, Jennifer L 2008 Effekter av emosjonell tilstand på reaksjoner på helsefare tilbakemelding Master s avhandling, universitet av Pittsburgh Unpublished. Chandra, Dev 2008 Ekstrasynaptisk GABA Type A Reseptorer i Mekanismen for Handling av Etanol Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Chapman, Karen Lee 2008 Collegial Coaching Lærer Godkjennelse av en modell Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Chapman - McQuiston, Emily Louise 2008 Effekten av støyende proteinekspresjon på E coli Phage Dynamics Doktorsavhandling, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Chavel, Brandon William 2008 Konstruksjons - og avspillingsmetoder for horisontalt buet stål I-Girder Bridges Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Chen , Qunlai 2008 Direkte syntese av hydrogenperoksid fra oksygen og hydrogen ved bruk av karbondioksid som et miljøvennlig løsningsmiddel og dets anvendelse i grønt oksidasjon doktorgradsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Chen, Zhi-Hua og Kim, Hong Pyo og Ryter, Stefan W og Choi, Augustine MK 2008 Identifisere mål for KOL-behandling gjennom genuttrykksanalyser International Journal of COPD, 2008 2008 pp 359-370 ISSN 1176-9106. 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Cho, Kwangsu og Chung, Tingting Rachel og King, William R og Schunn, Christian D 2008 Peer-basert Computer-støttet Knowledge Refinement Communications of the ACM, 51 3 s. 83-88 ISSN 00010782.Choi, JiYeon 2008 Utandret nitritt oksid hos pasienter med interstitiel lungesykdom En pilotstudie Doktorsavhandling, Universitetet i Pittsburgh Unpublished. Choi, Tae Hoon og Jordan, Kenneth D 2008 Analytisk gradient for geometriske optimaliseringer av klaser som beskrevet av PM1-polariserbare modell Chemical Physics Letters, 464 4-6 pp 139-143 ISSN 0009-2614.Chokesatean, Parasak 2008 Troverdighetsbasert binær tilbakemeldingsmodell for rutenettplanlegging Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Chomentowski 3rd, Peter J 2008 Innflytelsen av diettinnusert vekttap og aerobic trening på skjelettmuskulatur i overvektige eldre voksne Doktorsavhandling, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. 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Zheng, Ping 2008 TESTING A METHODOLOGY FOR IDENTIFYING CLUSTERED ALLELE LOSS USING SNP ARRAY DATA Master s Thesis, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Zhu, Fang 2008 An Index of Local Sensitivity to Nonignorability and a Penalized Pseudolikelihood Method for Data with Nonignorable Nonresponse Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Zhu, He 2008 High Resolution Fast MRI and MRSI using Spiral Data Acquisition Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Zinni, Mariana C 2008 EL DESCUBRIMIENTO DE AMRICA Y LA INVENCIN DE UN NUEVO ESPACIO HERMENUTICO ALTERNATIVAS DE LA MIMESIS Y EL SURGIMIENTO DE UNA MODERNIDAD CONTAMINADA Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Zitterbart, Susan 2008 Kumano Mandara Portraits, Power, and Lineage in M edieval Japan Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh Unpublished. Zuber, Grard and Wipf, Peter and Beratan, David N 2008 Exploring the Optical Activity Tensor by Anisotropic Rayleigh Optical Activity Scattering Chemphyschem a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry, 9 2 pp 265-271 ISSN 1439-7641.This list was generated on Mon Mar 20 21 28 52 2017 EDT. Articles by Russell Clive Dale in JoVE.1 Institute for Neuroscience and Muscle Research, The Kids Research Institute at the Children s Hospital at Westmead, The University of Sydney 2 Flow Cytometry Centre, Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research. Other articles by Russell Clive Dale on PubMed. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics Theoretische Und Angewandte Genetik Dec, 1986 Pubmed ID 24240863.Immature gramineous leaves provide a convenient system for comparing the response of cells in culture with their state of differentiation Callusing frequency is compared with leaf segment position, leaf age and i n vivo mitotic activity in Lolium multiflorum 1 In a succession of one millimeter sections from the immature leaf base, callus was formed from the first and second sections but not the third or subsequent sections The frequency of those explants callusing decreased with distance from the base of the leaf and with leaf age or leaf extension growth 2 In vivo, the proportion of cells in mitosis declined from around 10-14 at the base of young leaves to zero at 5 mm from the base and beyond Mitotic activity also declined in leaves as they aged, and dividing cells were not observed in leaves 30 days from initiation or older 3 A high frequency of callus formation was associated with a high mitotic index in the explant But for corresponding mitotic indices, cells further away from the leaf base were less responsive in culture 4 It is proposed that cells are becoming differentiated even in highly meristematically active regions of the leaf and concomitantly losing their ability to respond in cu lture. Nephrology Nursing Journal Journal of the American Nephrology Nurses Association Nov-Dec, 2012 Pubmed ID 23469417.The unit is currently utilizing hematocrit-based blood volume monitoring on each patient, resulting in improved monitoring in patients achieving their target weight The nurses expressed confidence in their understanding of the use of hematocrit-based blood volume monitoring This learning experience provided a vivid look at the importance of fluid management in nephrology nursing This area should always be included in nephrology nurse competencies and represented in a way that it ignites critical thinking within the nursing professional It is the responsibility of a professional nurse to stay current in evidence-based practice and continuing education Professional pride stimulates nephrology nurses to seek new learning experiences to enhance their practice. The Journal of Asthma Official Journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma Dec, 2012 Pubmed ID 23574397.For patients with asthma, exacerbations and poor control can result from exposure to environmental triggers, such as allergens and air particulates This study reviewed the international literature to determine whether a global checklist of common asthma triggers might be feasible for use as a research or management tool in clinical practice. The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases sleep deprivation prior to sacrifice greatly increased both evoked adenosine release and the basal tone and the enhancement of evoked adenosine release and basal tone resulting from sleep deprivation was reversed by the inducible nitric oxide synthase iNOS inhibitor, 1400 W These data indicate that characteristics of adenosine release recorded in the BFB in vitro reflect those that have been linked in vivo to the homeostatic control of sleep Our results provide methodologically independent support for a key role for induction of iNOS as a trigger for enhanced adenosine release following sleep deprivation and s uggest that this induction may constitute a biochemical memory of this state. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Feb, 2013 Pubmed ID 23328823.PharmacoEconomics Jan, 2013 Pubmed ID 23329592.Increased survival in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus SLE has shifted attention towards the burden that SLE imposes upon patients, healthcare systems and society New interventions aimed at alleviating this burden will require economic evaluation A summary of the current evidence of the humanistic and economic burden provides a platform for such subsequent studies. Trends in Neurosciences Feb, 2013 Pubmed ID 23332797.Tanycytes, glial-like cells that line the third ventricle, are emerging as components of the hypothalamic networks that control body weight and energy balance They contact the cerebrospinal fluid CSF and send processes that come into close contact with neurons in the arcuate and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei Tanycytes are glucosensitive and are able to respond to transmi tters associated with arousal and the drive to feed At least some tanycytes are stem cells and, in the median eminence, may be stimulated by diet to generate new neurons The quest is on to understand how tanycytes detect and respond to changes in energy balance and how they communicate with the rest of the nervous system to effect their functions. European Urology Jul, 2013 Pubmed ID 23332882pared with younger people, the elderly are more likely to suffer from overactive bladder OAB and to have other chronic conditions that affect physical or cognitive function Despite this, there are few data on the cognitive safety of antimuscarinic agents in older patients and none that examine the effect of these agents on those with mild cognitive impairment MCI. Radiologia Jan, 2013 Pubmed ID 23337695.PURPOSE To investigate whether increasing temporal resolution with higher parallel imaging PI reduction factors RF in both breath-hold and free breathing approaches, using a non-contrast T1-weighted 3 D gradient echo GRE sequence and a 32-channel phased array coil, permits diagnostic image quality, with potential application in patients unable to cooperate with breath-hold requirements MATERIALS AND METHODS The 9 healthy subjects 5 females and 4 males age range was 20-49, mean 36 yrs were recruited A 3D GRE MR imaging of the abdomen was performed on 1 5T MR system using a 32-element phased-array torso coil with PI RFs of 2, 4 and 6, breath hold and free breathing Two reviewers retrospectively qualitatively evaluated all sequences for image quality, extent of artifacts, including motion, truncation, aliasing, pixel graininess and signal heterogeneity The results were compared using Wilcoxon signed rank and a Bonferroni adjustment was applied for multiple comparisons RESULTS Image quality and extent of artifacts were better with breath hold than with free breathing acquisitions The rate of artifacts increased with higher RF The best quality was acquired with breath hold sequence using RF 2 RF 4 had lower but diagnostic rates P 004 The severity of artifacts, mainly pixel graininess P 004 , rendered sequences with RF 6 non-diagnostic All sequences were non-diagnostic in free breathing acquisitions CONCLUSION Breath hold sequences with RF 2 had excellent quality and RF 4 had good quality and may be potentially used in partially cooperative patients None of the sequences was considered diagnostic in free breathing acquisitions. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy Feb, 2013 Pubmed ID 23341264.As part of its Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme, the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence NICE invited the manufacturer, Covidien, to provide clinical and economic evidence for the evaluation of the Pipeline embolization device PED for the treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms Cedar a consortium between Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Cardiff University, was commissioned to act as an External Assessment Centre EAC for NICE to indepe ndently critique the manufacturers submissions This article gives an overview of the evidence provided, the findings of the EAC and the final guidance published by NICE The scope issued by NICE considered PED as the intervention in a patient population with complex unruptured intracranial aneurysms IAs , specifically large giant, wide-necked and fusiform aneurysms The comparator treatments identified were stent-assisted coiling, parent vessel occlusion, neurosurgical techniques and conservative management The manufacturer claimed that PED fulfils a currently unmet clinical need in the treatment of large or giant, wide-necked or fusiform IAs Thirteen studies were identified by the manufacturer as being relevant to the decision problem, with two of these included for data extraction The EAC identified 16 studies as relevant, three of which had been published after the manufacturer s search Data extraction was carried out on these studies as, although many were low level research comprisi ng of case reports and case series, they provided useful, pertinent safety and outcome data No relevant economic studies of the device were identified therefore, a new economic model was designed by the manufacturer The base-case scenario provided recognized the costs of PED to be higher than the costs for endovascular parent vessel occlusion, neurosurgical parent vessel occlusion, neurosurgical clipping and conservative management However, PED was found to be cost saving compared with stent-assisted coiling, with a saving of 13,110 per patient Analysis of the clinical data suggested that treatment with PED has high rates of clinical success with high rates of aneurysm occlusion and acceptable adverse events for the patient population Economic evidence suggested that the costs in the base-case for PED may have been underestimated, meaning that PED would only become cost saving in patients who would otherwise require treatment with 32 coils or more NICE Medical Technologies Guidance MTG 10, issued in May 2012, recommends the adoption of PED in selected patients within the UK National Health Service NHS. Journal of Clinical Microbiology Apr, 2013 Pubmed ID 23345301.Bordetella holmesii is a well-described pathogen in asplenic and immunocompromised patients Here we report the first two published cases of septic arthritis caused by B holmesii documented in apparently immunocompetent patients and unaccompanied by bacteremia. Attention, Perception 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. PloS One 2013 Pubmed ID 23418442.The World Health Organization recommends discharging children admitted to nutrition programs treating severe acute malnutrition, with a low mid-upper arm circumference MUAC 15 When this recommendation is followed, the most severely malnourished children receive a shorter treatment compared to children that are less severely malnourished This study assesses whether using MUAC 125 mm as discharge criteria eliminates this effect. Schizophrenia Bulletin Feb, 2013 Pubmed ID 2341 9977.Background Normal birth weight variation affects schizophrenia risk and cognitive performance in schizophrenia patients and healthy controls Brain cortical anatomy is altered in psychotic disorders and in low birth weight subjects, but if birth weight variation relates to cortical morphology across the psychosis spectrum is not Resonance Imaging brain scans and clinical-, neurocognitive-, and medical birth registry data were collected from 359 adults including patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia n 90, mean age 29 4 10 2 95 CI , 62 male , bipolar disorder n 79, age 29 4 11 8, 39 male or other psychosis n 40, age 26 3 10 0, 56 male , and healthy controls n 140, age 30 8 12 0,53 male We explored the relationship between whole-range birth weight variation and cortical surface area and thickness and their possible associations to cognitive all groups, lower birth weight was associated with smaller total surface area t 3 87, P 0001 , within specific regions of the temporal , parietal, and frontal cortex bilaterally There were no associations between birth weight and cortical thickness, and no diagnosis by birth weight interaction effects on cortical thickness or surface area Smaller cortical area t 2 50, P 013 and lower birth weight t 2 53, P 012 were significantly related to poorer working memory performance in all diagnostic groups except weight relates to adult cortical surface area, but not cortical thickness, in patients across the psychosis spectrum and in healthy controls Cortical area appears to be a diagnosis-independent general marker of early neurodevelopment, with a dose-response association to normal birth weight variation. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment meta-analysis of energy consumption in PV system manufacture and deployment and documentation of reduction in energetic costs of PV system production These data are used as input into a new net energy analysis of the global PV industry, as opposed to device level analysis In additi on, the paper introduces a new concept a model tracking energetic costs of manufacturing and installing PV systems, including balance of system BOS components The model is used to forecast electrical energy requirements to scale up the PV industry and determine the electricity balance of the global PV industry to 2020 Results suggest that the industry was a net consumer of electricity as recently as 2010 However, there is a 50 that in 2012 the PV industry is a net electricity provider and will pay back the electrical energy required for its early growth before 2020 Further reducing energetic costs of PV deployment will enable more rapid growth of the PV industry There is also great potential to increase the capacity factor of PV deployment These conclusions have a number of implications for R designing more efficient and durable systems and deploying PV systems in locations that will achieve high capacity factors. Cerebral Cortex New York, N Y 1991 Feb, 2013 Pubmed ID 23448869.Recently, our laboratory has shown that the neural mechanisms for encoding lexico-semantic information in adults operate functionally by 12-18 months of age within left frontotemporal cortices Travis et al 2011 Spatiotemporal neural dynamics of word understanding in 12- to 18-month-old-infants Cereb Cortex 8 1832-1839 However, there is minimal knowledge of the structural changes that occur within these and other cortical regions important for language development To identify regional structural changes taking place during this important period in infant development, we examined age-related changes in tissue signal properties of gray matter GM and white matter WM intensity and contrast T1-weighted surface-based measures were acquired from 12- to 19-month-old infants and analyzed using a general linear model Significant age effects were observed for GM and WM intensity and contrast within bilateral inferior lateral and anterovental temporal regions, dorsomedial frontal, and superior parietal cort ices Region of interest ROI analyses revealed that GM and WM intensity and contrast significantly increased with age within the same left lateral temporal regions shown to generate lexico-semantic activity in infants and adults These findings suggest that neurophysiological processes supporting linguistic and cognitive behaviors may develop before cellular and structural maturation is complete within associative cortices These results have important implications for understanding the neurobiological mechanisms relating structural to functional brain development. European Urology Jul, 2013 Pubmed ID 23465518.PloS One 2013 Pubmed ID 23469130.Acetyl-CoA carboxylase ACCase inhibiting herbicides are important products for the post-emergence control of grass weed species in small grain cereal crops However, the appearance of resistance to ACCase herbicides over time has resulted in limited options for effective weed control of key species such as Lolium spp In this study, we have used an inte grated biological and molecular biology approach to investigate the mechanism of resistance to ACCase herbicides in a Lolium multiflorum Lam from the UK UK21.Zygote Cambridge, England Mar, 2013 Pubmed ID 23469807.Summary The morphology of the sperm head has often been correlated with the outcome of in vitro fertilization, and has been shown to be the sole parameter in semen of value in predicting the success of intracytoplasmic sperm injection and intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection In this paper, we have studied whether digital holographic microscopy DHM may be useful to obtain quantitative data on human sperm head structure and compared this technique with high-power digitally enhanced Nomarski optics The main advantage of digital holography is that high-resolution three-dimensional quantitative sample imaging may be automatically produced by numerical refocusing of a two-dimensional image at different object planes without any mechanical scanning We show that D HM generates useful information on the dimensions and structure of human sperm, not revealed by conventional phase-contrast microscopy, in particular the volume of vacuoles, and suggest its use as an additional prognostic tool in assisted reproduction technology. Platelets Mar, 2013 Pubmed ID 23485069.Coated-platelets are a subset of platelets with increased procoagulant potential observed upon dual agonist stimulation with collagen and thrombin These prothrombotic platelets are elevated in patients with non-lacunar ischemic stroke and decreased in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage compared to controls We now investigated coated-platelet synthesis in patients with symptomatic large-artery stenosis and explored the association between coated-platelet levels and stroke recurrence at 3 months in this population Coated-platelet levels were determined in 60 patients with either acute stroke or transient ischemic attack due to large-artery stenosis and 60 controls Recurrent s troke incidence at 3 months was stratified by tertiles of coated-platelet levels and compared among groups using a log-rank test Large-artery stenosis patients had significantly higher coated-platelet levels than controls mean SD, 42 0 15 5 vs 29 4 13 5 , p 0 75 and concurrent validity with the Vineland adaptation questionnaire within a randomized VI subgroup r 0 8, P 3 years p 0 043 and breed Djali p 0 038 were statistically significant for seropositivity to brucellosis based on cELISA, but sex female, p 0 234 , production system trade and sedentary p 0 208 or herd size 120 p 0 359 was not Since breeding stock is mostly sourced from trade and sedentary cattle, it is important that routine serological screening should be conducted before introducing any animal into an existing herd. Peptides Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 23911313.Limited proteolysis of certain proteins leads to the release of endogenous bioactive peptides Hemoglobin-derived peptides such as hemorphins and hemopressins are example s of intracellular protein-derived peptides that have antinociceptive effects by modulating G-protein coupled receptors activities In the present study, a previously characterized substrate capture assay that uses a catalytically inactive form of the thimet oligopeptidase was combined with isotopic labeling and mass spectrometry in order to identify new bioactive peptides Indeed, we have identified the peptide AGHLDDLPGALSAL AGH , a fragment of the hemoglobin alpha-chain, which specifically bind to the inactive thimet oligopeptidase in the substrate capture assay Previous peptidomics studies have identified the AGH as well as many other natural peptides derived from hemoglobin alpha-chain containing this sequence, further suggesting that AGH is a natural endogenous peptide Pharmacological assays suggest that AGH inhibits peripheral inflammatory hyperalgesic responses through indirect activation of mu opioid receptors, without having a central nervous system activity Therefore, we have successfully used the substrate capture assay to identify a new endogenous bioactive peptide derived from hemoglobin alpha-chain. European Journal of Medical Genetics Sep, 2013 Pubmed ID 23911641.Benign hereditary chorea caused by mutations in the NK2 homeobox 1 gene NKX2-1 , shares clinical features with ataxic and dyskinetic cerebral palsy CP , resulting in the possibility of misdiagnosis A father and his two children were considered to have ataxic CP until a possible diagnosis of benign familial chorea was made in the children in early teenage The father s neurological condition had not been appreciated prior to examination of the affected son Whole exome sequencing of blood derived DNA and bioinformatics analysis were performed A 7 bp deletion in exon 1 of NKX2-1, resulting in a frame shift and creation of a premature termination codon, was identified in all affected individuals Screening of 60 unrelated individuals with a diagnosis of dyskinetic or ataxic CP did not identify NKX2-1 mutations BHC can be confused with ataxic and dyskinetic CP Occasionally these children have a mutation in NKX2-1.EMBO Reports Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 23917615.Chromatin insulators are DNA protein complexes situated throughout the genome capable of demarcating independent transcriptional domains Previous studies point to an important role for RNA in gypsy chromatin insulator function in Drosophila however, the identity of these putative insulator-associated RNAs is not currently known Here we utilize RNA-immunoprecipitation and high throughput sequencing RIP-seq to isolate RNAs stably associated with gypsy insulator complexes Strikingly, these RNAs correspond to specific sense-strand, spliced and polyadenylated mRNAs, including two insulator protein transcripts In order to assess the functional significance of these associated mRNAs independent of their coding function, we expressed untranslatable versions of these transcripts in developing flies and observed both alteration of insulator complex nuclear localization as well as improvement of enhancer-blocking activity Together, these data suggest a novel, noncoding mechanism by which certain mRNAs contribute to chromatin insulator function. Marine Pollution Bulletin Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 23932477.The Great Barrier Reef GBR region of Queensland, Australia, encompasses a complex and diverse array of tropical marine ecosystems of global significance The region is also a World Heritage Area and largely within one of the world s best managed marine protected areas However, a recent World Heritage Committee report drew attention to serious governance problems associated with the management of ports and shipping We review the impacts of ports and shipping on biodiversity in the GBR, and propose a series of guiding principles to improve the current governance arrangements Implementing these principles will increase the capacity of decision makers to minimize the impacts of ports and shipping on biodiversity, and will provide cert ainty and clarity to port operators and developers A business as usual approach could lead to the GBR s inclusion on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2014.Biochemical Pharmacology Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 23933387.Aminopeptidase N APN has been reported to have a functional role in tumor angiogenesis and repeatedly reported to be over-expressed in human tumors The melphalan-derived prodrug melphalan-flufenamide melflufen, previously designated J1 can be activated by APN This suggests that this alkylating prodrug may exert anti-angiogenic properties, which will possibly contribute to the anti-tumoral activity in vivo This work presents a series of experiments designed to investigate this effect of melflufen In a cytotoxicity assay we show that bovine endothelial cells were more than 200 times more sensitive to melflufen than to melphalan, in HUVEC cells the difference was more than 30-fold and accompanied by aminopetidase-mediated accumulation of intracellular melphalan In the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane CAM assay it is indicated that both melflufen and melphalan inhibit vessel ingrowth Two commercially available assays with human endothelial cells co-cultured with fibroblasts TCS Cellworks AngioKit, and Essen GFP-AngioKit also illustrate the superior anti-angiogenic effect of melflufen compared to melphalan Finally, in a commercially available in vivo assay in mice Cultrex DIVAA angio-reactor assay melflufen displayed an anti-angiogenic effect, comparable to bevacizumab In conclusion, this study demonstrates through all methods used, that melphalan-flufenamide besides being an alkylating agent also reveals anti-angiogenic effects in different preclinical models in vitro and in vivo. Infection, Genetics and Evolution Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics in Infectious Diseases Aug, 2013 Pubmed ID 23933404.To further understand the epidemic of bovine tuberculosis in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, we ident ified 16 mutations that are phylogenetically informative for Mycobacterium bovis strains from these regions We determined the status of these mutations among a collection of 501 strains representing the molecular diversity found in these three regions of the British Isles The resulting linear phylogenies from each region were concordant, showing that the same lineage of M bovis was present The dominance of this lineage is unique within Europe, and suggests that in the past the populations were homogenous Comparison of approximately 500 strains isolated in 2005 from each region by spoligotype and 5 locus VNTR profiling, revealed distinct differences in the genotype frequencies and sub-lineage makeup between each region We concluded that whilst each region shared the same major phylogenetic lineage of M bovis, more recent evolution had resulted in the development of region-specific populations Regional differences in the M bovis populations suggest that it may be possible to identify the movement of strains from one region to another. Environment International Sep, 2013 Pubmed ID 23933503.The manufacture and use of radium in the early to mid-20th century within industrial, medicinal and recreational products have resulted in a large number of contaminated sites across a number of countries with notable examples in the USA and Europe These sites, represent a significant number of unregulated sources of potential radiological exposure that have collectively and hitherto not been well characterised In 2007, the Radioactive Contaminated Land RCL Regulations came into force in the UK, providing the statutory guidance for regulators to classify and deal with RCL Here we report on results derived from digestion experiments to estimate committed effective dose, a key aspect of the RCL Regulations, from the ingestion of radium contaminated sources that can be found in the environment This case study includes particles, clinker and artefacts that arise from past military activit ies on a site that was once an airfield at Dalgety Bay on the Firth of Forth, UK Since 2011 the number of radium contaminated finds has increased by one order of magnitude on the foreshore areas of Dalgety Bay The increase in finds may in large part be attributed to a change in monitoring practice A subsample of sixty sources was selected, on the basis of their activity and dimensions, and subjected to digestion in simulated stomach and lower intestine solutions The study demonstrated that more radium-226 226 Ra and lead-210 210 Pb driven by Polonium solubility are dissolved from sources in artificial stomach solutions compared with lower intestine solutions The combined gut solubility for 226 Ra and apparent 210 Pb varied from less than 1 to up to 35 ICRP 72 conversion factors were used to convert the activities measured in solution to committed effective dose A little over 10 of the sources tested dissolved sufficient radioactivity to result in 100mSv committed effective dose to an i nfant Using the solubility of 35 as a worst case, minimum source activities necessary to deliver 100mSv to the full age range of users of the foreshore were estimated All the estimated activities have been detected and recovered through routine monitoring. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Aug, 2013 Pubmed ID 23934204.The molecular epidemiology of group A streptococcal pharyngeal infections in children in the Vanguard Community of Cape Town revealed 26 emm types among 157 isolates from 742 subjects Coverage of a 30-valent vaccine is predicted to be 95 of pharyngitis cases in this population at high risk of rheumatic fever. PloS One 2013 Pubmed ID 23936046.Knowledge of the mechanisms of herbicide resistance is important for designing long term sustainable weed management strategies Here, we have used an integrated biology and molecular approach to investigate the mechanisms of resistance to acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibiting herbicides in a UK black-grass population BG2.Journal of E xperimental Psychology General Aug, 2013 Pubmed ID 23937180.Detecting subtle indicators of trustworthiness is highly adaptive for moving effectively amongst social partners One powerful signal is gaze direction, which individuals can use to inform or deceive by looking toward or away from important objects or events in the environment Here, across 5 experiments, we investigate whether implicit learning about gaze cues can influence subsequent economic transactions we also examine some of the underlying mechanisms In the 1st experiment, we demonstrate that people invest more money with individuals whose gaze information has previously been helpful, possibly reflecting enhanced trust appraisals However, in 2 further experiments, we show that other mechanisms driving this behavior include obligations to fairness or painful altruism, since people also make more generous offers and allocations of money to individuals with reliable gaze cues in adapted 1-shot ultimatum games and 1-shot dicta tor games In 2 final experiments, we show that the introduction of perceptual noise while following gaze can disrupt these effects, but only when the social partners are unfamiliar Nonconscious detection of reliable gaze cues can prompt altruism toward others, probably reflecting the interplay of systems that encode identity and control gaze-evoked attention, integrating the reinforcement value of gaze cues PsycINFO Database Record c 2013 APA, all rights reserved. Seminars in Hematology Jul, 2013 Pubmed ID 23953336.Neutropenia, defined as an absolute neutrophil count ANC HCl H2SO4 NaOH, with the glycerol system achieving 100 conversion Surprisingly, the NaOH substrate achieved optimum saccharification with only 8FPU g glucan Glucan conversions 3 6-6 obtained with mixtures of endo-1,4--glucanase EG and - glucosidase G for the NaOH substrate were 2-6 times that of acid substrates However, glucan conversions 15-60 obtained with mixtures of cellobiohydrolase CBH I and G on acidified glycerol substrate were 10-30 higher than those obtained for NaOH and acid substrates The susceptibility of the substrates to enzymatic saccharification was explained by their physical and chemical attributes Acidified glycerol pretreatment offers the opportunity to simplify the complexity of enzyme mixtures required for saccharification of lignocellulosics. The Journal of Asthma Official Journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma Nov, 2013 Pubmed ID 24050523.Abstract Objective To identify the types, frequency and impact of asthma triggers and the relationship to asthma control among adults with asthma in Europe Methods Adults with self-reported physician-diagnosed asthma receiving maintenance asthma treatment and self-reported exposure to known asthma triggers completed an online questionnaire a subset completed a diary over 3-4 weeks Information on asthma control Asthma Control Test ACT , asthma triggers, frequency of exposure and behaviours in response or to avoid asthma triggers and the perceived impact on daily life was captured A post-hoc analysis evaluated the impact of high trigger burden on the frequency of severe asthma exacerbations, hospitalisations and days lost at work study Results A total of 1202 adults participated and 177 completed the diary Asthma was uncontrolled for the majority 76 of participants and most 52 reported exposure to 6-15 asthma triggers As trigger burden increased, behavioural changes to manage trigger exposure had a significantly increased impact on daily life p 16 were more likely to report uncontrolled asthma than those with a low trigger burden 1-5 Participants with a high trigger burden had previously experienced on average two more severe asthma attacks during a lifetime p 16 different triggers experience more severe asthma attacks than those reporting lower trigger burdens. Environmental Science Processes however, supervisor support for the logbook is critical To facilitate this, supervisors require training and support from se nior management. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24074471.Twin studies of behavior problems in childhood point to substantial genetic influence It is now possible to estimate genetic influence using DNA alone in samples of unrelated individuals, not relying on family-based designs such as twins A linear mixed model, which incorporates DNA microarray data, has confirmed twin results by showing substantial genetic influence for diverse traits in adults Here we present direct comparisons between twin and DNA heritability estimates for childhood behavior problems as rated by parents, teachers, and children themselves. AIDS and Behavior Sep, 2013 Pubmed ID 24077930.Critical consciousness, the awareness of social oppression, is important to investigate as a buffer against HIV disease progression in HIV-infected African American women in the context of experiences with discrimination Critical consciousness comprises several dimensions, incl uding social group identification, discontent with distribution of social power, rejection of social system legitimacy, and a collective action orientation The current study investigated self-reported critical consciousness as a moderator of perceived gender and racial discrimination on HIV viral load and CD4 cell count in 67 African American HIV-infected women Higher critical consciousness was found to be related to higher likelihood of having CD4 counts over 350 and lower likelihood of detectable viral load when perceived racial discrimination was high, as revealed by multiple logistic regressions that controlled for highly active antiretroviral therapy HAART adherence Multiple linear regressions showed that at higher levels of perceived gender and racial discrimination, women endorsing high critical consciousness had a larger positive difference between nadir CD4 lowest pre-HAART and current CD4 count than women endorsing low critical consciousness These findings suggest that raisin g awareness of social oppression to promote joining with others to enact social change may be an important intervention strategy to improve HIV outcomes in African American HIV-infected women who report experiencing high levels of gender and racial discrimination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24082094.Animal data show that cortical development is initially patterned by genetic gradients largely along three orthogonal axes We previously reported differences in genetic influences on cortical surface area along an anterior-posterior axis using neuroimaging data of adult human twins Here, we demonstrate differences in genetic influences on cortical thickness along a dorsal-ventral axis in the same cohort The phenomenon of orthogonal gradations in cortical organization evident in different structural and functional properties may originate from genetic gradients Another emerging theme of cortical patterning is that patter ns of genetic influences recapitulate the spatial topography of the cortex within hemispheres The genetic patterning of both cortical thickness and surface area corresponds to cortical functional specializations Intriguingly, in contrast to broad similarities in genetic patterning, two sets of analyses distinguish cortical thickness and surface area genetically First, genetic contributions to cortical thickness and surface area are largely distinct there is very little genetic correlation i e shared genetic influences between them Second, organizing principles among genetically defined regions differ between thickness and surface area Examining the structure of the genetic similarity matrix among clusters revealed that, whereas surface area clusters showed great genetic proximity with clusters from the same lobe, thickness clusters appear to have close genetic relatedness with clusters that have similar maturational timing The discrepancies are in line with evidence that the two traits follow different mechanisms in neurodevelopment Our findings highlight the complexity of genetic influences on cortical morphology and provide a glimpse into emerging principles of genetic organization of the cortex. Molecular Neurodegeneration 2013 Pubmed ID 24088526.Epidemiological and molecular findings suggest a relationship between Alzheimer s disease AD and dyslipidemia, although the nature of this association is not well understood. Annals of Surgery Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24096757.To prospectively evaluate the additional value of geriatric assessment GA for predicting surgical outcomes in a cohort of older patients undergoing a pancreaticoduodenectomy PD for pancreatic tumors. Frontiers in Psychology 2013 Pubmed ID 24109465.Movement Disorders Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24115338.Movement disorder relapses after herpes simplex virus 1 HSV1 encephalitis have been hypothesized to be secondary to postviral autoimmunity Recently, a proportion of patients with HSV1 encephalitis HSE were shown to produce autoantibodies against N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor NMDAR. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging JMRI Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24123663.To evaluate and quantify a scheme for correcting susceptibility artifacts in spin-echo echo-planar-imaging-based dynamic susceptibility contrast DSC perfusion MRI of high-grade gliomas at 3 Tesla. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2013 Pubmed ID 24124378.Older persons in transition between hospital and home care services are in a particularly vulnerable situation and risk unfortunate consequences caused by organizational inefficiency The purpose of the study reported here was to elucidate how home nursing leaders experience the administration of care to older people in transition from hospital to their own homes. The Journal of Organic Chemistry Nov, 2013 Pubmed ID 24128112.A rapid and efficient synthesis of the extended bipyridinium-based class of cyclophanes-that is, Ex n Box 4 n 0-3 , where n is the number of p-phenylene rings inserted between the pyridinium rings-is demonstrated, resulting in much higher yields of products along with a reduced output of oligomeric byproducts Although each cyclophane can be synthesized readily without the use of a precise stoichiometric amount of template, ExBox 4 can be prepared in 66 yield following crystallization using six equivalents of pyrene in a template-directed protocol This new methodology has been employed to synthesize, in modest yield, a nearly 2 5 nm long cyclophane consisting of 12 aromatic rings. Photochemistry and Photobiology Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24131406.Envenoming induced by Bothrops snakes is characterized by drastic local tissue damage involving hemorrhage, myonecrosis and proeminent inflammatory and hyperalgesic response The most effective treatment is antivenom therapy, which is ineffective in neutralizing the local response Herein it was evaluated the effectiveness of light-emitting diode LED at wavelengths of 635 an d 945 nm in reducing inflammatory hyperalgesia induced by Bothrops moojeni venom BmV in mice, produced by an sub-plantar injection of BmV 1 g Mechanical hyperalgesia and allodynia were assessed by von Frey filaments at 1, 3, 6 and 24 h after venom injection The site of BmV injection 1 2 cm 2 was irradiated by LEDs at 30 min and 3 hours after venom inoculation Both 635 nm 110 mW, fluence of 3 76 J cm 2 and 41 sec of irradiation time and 945 nm 120 mW, fluence of 3 8 J cm 2 and 38 sec of irradiation time LED inhibited mechanical allodynia and hyperalgesia of mice alone or in combination with antivenom treatment, even when the symptoms were already present The effect of phototherapy in reducing local pain induced by BmV should be considered as a novel therapeutic tool for the treatment of local symptoms induced after bothropic snake bites This article is protected by copyright All rights reserved. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics the Official Publicati on of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24132907.Understanding the genetics of neuropsychiatric disorders requires an understanding of the genetics of brain structure and function The Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging VETSA is a longitudinal behavioral genetic study focused on cognitive and brain aging Here, we describe basic science work carried out within the VETSA MRI study that provides meaningful contributions toward the study of neuropsychiatric disorders VETSA produced the first comprehensive assessment of the heritability of cortical and subcortical brain structure sizes, all within the same individuals We showed that neocortical thickness and surface area are largely genetically distinct With continuous neocortical thickness maps, we demonstrated regional specificity of genetic influences, and that genetic factors did not conform to traditional regions of interest ROIs However, there was some evidence for different genetic factors accounting f or different types of cortex, and for genetic relationships across cortical regions corresponding to anatomical and functional connectivity and brain maturation patterns With continuous neocortical surface area maps, we confirmed the anterior-posterior gradient of genetic influences on cortical area patterning demonstrated in animal models Finally, we used twin methods to create the first map of cortical ROIs based entirely on genetically informative data We conclude that these genetically based cortical phenotypes may be more appropriate for genetic studies than traditional ROIs based on structure or function Our results also suggest that cortical volume-the product of thickness and surface area-is a problematic phenotype for genetic studies because two independent sets of genes may be obscured Examples supporting the validity of these conclusions are provided 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Frontiers in Oncology 2013 Pubmed ID 24137566.Importance With the increasing use of antiangiogenic agents in the treatment of high-grade gliomas, we are becoming increasingly aware of distinctive imaging findings seen in a subset of patients treated with these agents Of particular interest is the development of regions of marked and persistent restricted diffusion We describe a case with histopathologic validation, confirming that this region of restricted diffusion represents necrosis and not viable tumor Observations We present a case report of a 52-year-old man with GBM treated with temozolomide, radiation, and concurrent bevacizumab following gross total resection The patient underwent sequential MRI s which included restriction-spectrum imaging RSI , an advanced diffusion-weighted imaging DWI technique, and MR perfusion Following surgery, the patient developed an area of restricted diffusion on RSI which became larger and more confluent over the next several months Marked signal intensity on RSI and very low cerebral blood volume CBV on MR perfusion led us to favor bevacizumab - related necrosis over recurrent tumor Subsequent histopathologic evaluation confirmed coagulative necrosis Conclusion and Relevance Our report increases the number of pathologically proven cases of bevacizumab-related necrosis in the literature from three to four Furthermore, our case demonstrates this phenomenon on RSI, which has been shown to have good sensitivity to restricted diffusion. Neuron Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24139032.The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies BRAIN Initiative has focused scientific attention on the necessary tools to understand the human brain and mind Here, we outline our collective vision for what we can achieve within a decade with properly targeted efforts and discuss likely technological deliverables and neuroscience progress. Plant Molecular Biology Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24142380.Chemically inducible gene switches can provide precise control over gene expression, enabling more specific analyses of gene function and expanding the plant biotechnology toolkit beyond traditional constitutive expression systems The alc gene expression system is one of the most promising chemically inducible gene switches in plants because of its potential in both fundamental research and commercial biotechnology applications However, there are no published reports demonstrating that this versatile gene switch is functional in transgenic monocotyledonous plants, which include some of the most important agricultural crops We found that the original alc gene switch was ineffective in the monocotyledonous plant sugar cane, and describe a modified alc system that is functional in this globally significant crop A promoter consisting of tandem copies of the ethanol receptor inverted repeat binding site, in combination with a minimal promoter sequence, was sufficient to give enhanced sensitivity and significantly higher levels of ethanol inducible gene expression A longer CaMV 35S minimal promoter than was used in the original alc gene switch a lso substantially improved ethanol inducibility Treating the roots with ethanol effectively induced the modified alc system in sugar cane leaves and stem, while an aerial spray was relatively ineffective The extension of this chemically inducible gene expression system to sugar cane opens the door to new opportunities for basic research and crop biotechnology. Journal of Natural Products Nov, 2013 Pubmed ID 24144480.AJR American Journal of Roentgenology Nov, 2013 Pubmed ID 24147480.OBJECTIVE Prior studies of talar fracture patterns are dated and based on radiography only The purpose of our study was to describe talar fracture patterns and associated injuries in a modern large level 1 trauma center setting using both radiography and CT MATERIALS AND METHODS The radiolog and clinical data of patients with acute talar fractures diagnosed over an 18-month period were retrospectively reviewed Data analysis included descriptive statistics for injury mechanisms and associated injuries RESULTS Over the study period, a total of 132 talar fractures were detected in 122 patients The most common talar fracture location was the body 61 The most common body fractures were dome compression 26 , lateral process 24 , and posterior tubercle 21 Of the 132 fractures, 62 were comminuted and 21 16 were vertical neck fractures compatible with the Hawkins-Canale classification Both radiography and CT were used in 91 of cases, with CT providing additional information in 112 93 cases By use of CT as the reference standard, the sensitivity of radiography for detecting talar fractures was 74 The most common fracture missed by radiography was talar dome compression 31 not seen on radiography Talar fractures were associated with adjacent joint subluxation or dislocation in more than 66 of the cases and adjacent fracture in more than 72 of the cases CONCLUSION In our study, the most common site of talar fracture was the body Current classification systems do not apply to most talar fractures Talar fracture patterns cannot be characterized with radiography alone CT is a critical tool for the detection and characterization of talar fractures There is a high incidence of adjacent fracture and dislocation with acute traumatic talar fractures. Environmental Science namely matrix producing and non-matrix producing cells In toto these findings allow us to add exoprotease producing cells to the list of specialised cell types that are derived during B subtilis biofilm formation and furthermore the data highlights the plasticity in the origin of differentiated cells. Plant Molecular Biology Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24150836.Sugar cane is a major source of food and fuel worldwide Biotechnology has the potential to improve economically-important traits in sugar cane as well as diversify sugar cane beyond traditional applications such as sucrose production High levels of transgene expression are key to the success of improving crops through biotechnology Here we describe new molecular tools that b oth expand and improve gene expression capabilities in sugar cane We have identified promoters that can be used to drive high levels of gene expression in the leaf and stem of transgenic sugar cane One of these promoters, derived from the Cestrum yellow leaf curling virus, drives levels of constitutive transgene expression that are significantly higher than those achieved by the historical benchmark maize polyubiquitin-1 Zm-Ubi1 promoter A second promoter, the maize phosphonenolpyruvate carboxylate promoter, was found to be a strong, leaf-preferred promoter that enables levels of expression comparable to Zm-Ubi1 in this organ Transgene expression was increased approximately 50-fold by gene modification, which included optimising the codon usage of the coding sequence to better suit sugar cane We also describe a novel dual transcriptional enhancer that increased gene expression from different promoters, boosting expression from Zm-Ubi1 over eightfold These molecular tools will be extrem ely valuable for the improvement of sugar cane through biotechnology. Epilepsia Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24151870.Potentially pathogenic autoantibodies are found increasingly in adults with seizure disorders, including focal seizures and those of unknown cause In this study, we investigated a cohort of children with new-onset seizures to see whether there were autoantibodies and the relationship to any specific seizure or epilepsy type. American Journal of Alzheimer s Disease and Other Dementias Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24164929.Background To assess the relationship between regional neocortical atrophy and psychotic symptoms in adults with mild cognitive impairment MCI and Alzheimer s disease Rates of change in regional neocortical atrophy as measured by longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging scans and the occurrence of psychotic symptoms and or the long-term use of antipsychotic medications in 389 outpatients with MCI or AD in Alzheimer s Disease Neuroimaging Atrophy rate of 3 specific neocortic al regions, lateral frontal, lateral parietal, and anterior cingulate gyrus, was significantly associated with the onset of psychosis including delusions, agitation, wandering, and hallucinations and or the need for chronic antipsychotic medications Atrophy rate of the lateral frontal lobe correlated most significantly with onset of psychotic symptoms or need for chronic antipsychotic Psychosis was associated with volume loss in specific regions of the lateral frontal and parietal lobes as well as anterior cingulate gyrus. International Journal of Language compounds that target this pathway are potential agents for the treatment of a range of solid tumour malignancies Renal cancers are likely to be particularly sensitive to inhibition of the HIF pathway since.80 show constitutive activation of HIF We have previously described the di-substituted naphthalene derivative, CL67, which binds to a G-quadruplex higher-order structure in the HIF promoter sequence in vitro We show here that CL67 blocks HIF expression leading to inhibition of HIF-transactivation and down-regulation of downstream target genes and proteins in renal carcinoma cell lines and in a mouse xenograft model of renal cancer This inhibition is independent of pathways that control HIF abundance through oxygen-dependant degradation and oxygen dependant HIF sub-unit expression. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research JSLHR Oct, 2013 Pubmed ID 24167234.To examine the etiology of developmental language impairment LI at 4 and 12 years, as well as the relationship between the two. Environmental Science however, the proportions of CD3 lymphocytes decreased and CD20 lymphocytes increased once peripheral viremia became undetectable Intrahepatic lymphocyte populations increased at both time points post-infection Distinct expression patterns of PD-1, a marker of T-cell activation, were observed on peripheral and hepatic lymphocytes notably there was elevated PD-1 expression on hepatic CD4 T-cells during high v iremia, suggesting an activated phenotype, which decreased following clearance of peripheral viremia At times when peripheral vRNA was not detected, suggesting viral clearance, we were able to readily detect GBV-B RNA in the liver, indicative of long-term virus replication This study is the first description of changes in lymphocyte populations during GBV-B infection of tamarins and provides a foundation for more detailed investigations of the responses that contribute to the control of GBV-B infection. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience Official Journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia Sep, 2013 Pubmed ID 24246947.The knowledge of immune dysregulation and autoimmunity in neurological disorders has expanded considerably in recent times Recognition of clinical syndromes, reliable methods of diagnosis, and early targeted immunotherapy can lead to a favourable outcome in acute and subacute neurological disorders that may be associated with significant morbidity and mortality if le ft untreated This review focuses on the rapidly expanding field of autoimmune encephalitis We describe the differences between limbic encephalitis associated with antibodies targeting intracellular antigens, and neuronal surface antibody syndromes NSAS where the antigens are primarily receptors or synaptic proteins located on the neuronal cell surface We chronologically highlight important developments in NSAS by focusing on voltage gated potassium channel complex-associated antibody mediated encephalitis, anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor anti-NMDAR encephalitis, and anti-dopamine 2 receptor antibody-associated basal ganglia encephalitis Contentious issues such as the complexities of using serum antibodies as biomarkers, the initiation of central nervous system autoimmunity, and possible pathogenic mechanisms of these antibodies will be reviewed The therapeutic challenges that clinicians face such as the timing of therapy and the role of second-line therapy will be discussed, with cr ucial concepts highlighted in the form of clinical vignettes Future directions will involve the identification of novel antigens and methods to establish their pathogenicity, as well as evaluation of the most efficacious therapeutic strategies in patients with established NSAS. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Nov, 2013 Pubmed ID 24249809.Treat-to-target strategies have been widely adopted as the standard of care for the management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis The concept of tight control is prevalent in other disciplines, particularly in diabetes and cardiovascular risk management In these disciplines, evidence has accumulated that the utility of tight control strategies must be carefully weighed against the disutility that may arise from multiple interventions, particularly in patients at low risk There is a lively debate in rheumatology circles about whether treatment should be targeted at achieving low disease activity, clinical remission or imaging remission As rheumatolog ists we should learn the lessons from other disciplines, and ensure that we expand the evidence base to ensure our recommendations are securely underpinned by robust evidence. Journal of Medical Genetics Nov, 2013 Pubmed ID 24262145.We recently observed mutations in ADAR1 to cause a phenotype of bilateral striatal necrosis BSN in a child with the type I interferonopathy Aicardi-Goutires syndrome AGS We therefore decided to screen patients with apparently non-syndromic BSN for ADAR1 mutations, and for an upregulation of interferon-stimulated genes ISGs. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 2014 Pubmed ID 23955679.According to worldwide statistics, between one in four and one in five couples have fertility problems These problems are equally distributed between males and females Modern lifestyle has obviously increased these problems endocrine-disrupting chemicals, such as plastic polymer catalysts, alkylphenols, phthalates and so on, and cosmetic additives seem to be strongly inv olved in this fertility problem Many of these compounds increase oxidative stress OS and thus impair spermatogenesis The oocyte has only a finite capacity, decreasing with maternal age, to repair sperm-borne decays To decrease this DNA repair burden, reducing the sperm DNA damages linked to OS is tempting Antioxidant vitamins are often given haphazardly they are not very efficient and potentially detrimental A detailed analysis of the sperm nucleus is mandatory DNA fragmentation or lack of nuclear condensation prior to any treatment Here we discuss new concepts in OS and the corresponding therapeutic approaches. 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